(Clarke / Wilde)

Next to the family aquarium
You’ll often find Chuckers the cat
Just sitting there with a motionless stare
And why is he grinning like that?
You wonder what Chuckers is thinking
As he sits there all the day long
Watching time pass with his nose to the glass
Singing this song …..

Larry the Lobster what do you say?
Larry the Lobster come out and play
If you could see Larry your favorite way
Would you say baked on a plate?

Herman the hermit crab lives in his shell
He’s friends with two anemones who live there as well
But when he moves to a new shell he’ll bid them farewell
He says “with friends like me who needs anemones?”

Seymour the seahorse got something to say
Muttering and mumbling and grumbling all day
Now what’s got Seymour hot and bothered today?
It’s the cat – staring like that, nose to the glass, wagging his tail

Pretty little fishes flitting about
All sorts of colors swimming around
But the best way to see them without any doubt
Fry them up, pass them around